Thursday, October 9, 2008


Maybe i'm crazy, but i feel better now than before. I was on the trading floor in the crash of 87, and life didn't change a whole lot. (not that i don't think this is a LOT bigger deal). I don't want to link all this, but i feel better because

  • the air is finally coming out of the equity bubble.
  • the air is coming out of the income disparity bubble
  • paulson is getting the message of the right way to use the 700 billion
  • he seems to have the authority to do so
  • europe is in worse shape than us, leveraged more and it is all a game of relative
  • oil is down.....oil is down....oil is down.... that is so good for business in america
  • income for the oil producing economies is down
  • depression hurts china more than us (i have nothing to back this up but instinct)

    Hubby is mortified that his 401k is down. All asset classes are getting re-evaluated. No one could really predict which ones come out on top, so to a great extent it's really random where you're standing right now.

    Obama is probably going to end up being the best man for his time. Read something that he is in negotiations for a half hour block of time. That's perfect. Reassure a worried nation. He's very smart and style may matter more than substance for the next 4 years. Substance will be all around him.

    Obama might win. We might have control of all three branches.

    The opportunities are insane.

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